Monday, April 21, 2008

Bread's Gulab Jamun Recipe.(thats a different dish,do try).

Who says if you feel like eating Gulab Jamun you need to rush to a market in search of Et-Mi or any other Gulab Jamun Mix
so here is what you can do to make Gulab Jamun with some of the items present in your home itself ,

Take the bread or paav available (might be left out of your morning snacks :-) ) & add some milk (3 tbsp) to it & soak it for few min
do ensure bread is still thick that can be hold in hands & rounded in Gulab Jamun Shapes,

than on other hand make Ghee or Dalda to to melt in pan & when its hot ,deep fry the bread rolls till it turns light brown color.

Now, take 2 cups water & add 1/2 bowl sugar to it & keep it on slow flame to get mix well that forms into sweet sticky form called (chasni).

once you finish frying brea! d rolls take them out & add them to the chasni.

Wait for some time till bread rolls get soft when soak in chasni & ready to be served.


Anonymous said...

As said earlier by everybody you need to give us a demo when are you bringing bread gulab jamun's.

Anonymous said...
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Vibha Salve said...
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