Thursday, May 15, 2008

The world is ending

In the past decade half of the world suffered major incidences , either bringing down their economy or killing hundreds of thousands of people.

The 9/11 attacks on the twin towers the memories of which still haunt the people in US, the 7/11 attacks in mumbai, after the incident no passenger has traveled the train without giving a suspicious look to the bags kept on the racks and now the bombings in jaipur.

I just took out some number from wikipedia.

Gujarat earthquake 2001 approx 20,000 dead
European heat wave of 2003 approx 37,451 dead
Tsunami in the Indian Ocean december 2004 approx 283,100 dead
The earthquake in kashmir,pakistan in oct 2005 more than 7,500 were announed dead.
Hurricane katrina in 2005 around 1,836 dead
80% of Louisiana USA was flooded due to the failure of several floodwalls in August 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Earthquake hits Indonesia in may 2006 more than 6,000 dead
Cyclone sidr hits Bangladesh in 2006 4,140 dead
The Africa flood is reported to be one of the largest floods in recorded history in the continent of Africa with 14 countries affected this was in the year 2007
Cyclone nargis in burma 2008 37,000 dead
Earthquke in china may 2008 around 30,000 dead
Total approx in 4,27,027 in the past 7 yrs

And these are just natural calamities on top of that the Human intervened mishaps which causes not only deaths but infrastructure downfalls. Mishaps like the 9/11 put back the americans a couple of years. they had an instant breakdown in their economy.
The Bombing in Jaipur , the Ghodra incident, the various other terrorist attacks not just in India but around the world.

There is a simple rule which applies here cause and effect, the cause is us and the effect you have seen above.
If we don't stop and understand the manner in which we are destroying this planet , the planet shall destroy us. In other words the earth is balancing itself.

Basically there are two theories, one I mentioned above the other is The idea of a covert plan to create a New World Order (Novus Ordo Mundi) refers to what several scholars consider to be one of the most widespread conspiracy theories. The allegations, which cut across political and social boundaries, describe a powerful and secretive group alleged to be plotting to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles. In this conspiracy theory, many significant occurrences are said to be caused by a powerful secret group or groups. Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world primarily through a combination of political finance, social engineering, mind control and fear based propaganda.

Why cant these secret groups of groups be inter planetary. Let me refer to them as "THEY", They could be making us do things so that we destroy ourselves, they may be planning and executing their plan to perfection. They may be the supreme being and not US.

So either it us destroying the planet or "THEM" destroying the planet to rule the world or should I say interplanetary rule or THEM scared of our "know how" and want us to suffer in fear & distraught.

Just some food for thought..........

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