Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sneezing Series- II
- Linguistics evaluation
- Origin of Lingusitic Evaluation
In many English-speaking countries, the German equivalent, Gesundheit (which means "good health"), is used after sneezing or coughing.
When Russians hear someone sneezing they immediately say "будь здоров" or "будьте здоровы" which means "be healthy", to which the sneezer will reply "спасибо" which means "thanks".[citation needed] Also, Russian and German superstition has it that if someone sneezes shortly after saying something, it is an affirmative omen in that something that has just been said is correct.[citation needed]
A common Arabic expression, said upon hearing a sneeze, is رحمك اﷲ raḥimuk allah meaning "May God have mercy on you" In turn the person who sneezed may respond with الحمد لله alḥamdu lillah which means "Praise be to God". However, neither of these expressions are traditionally used by Christian Arabs. Another common saying is صح" which means "Health".
In Telugu, one would say Chiranjeeva, which literally translates to live until eternity.
In Tamil, one would say noorais, nooru which is 100 ; aaisu is years ; thereby wishing someone to live a 100 years.[citation needed]
In Romanian, one would say "Noroc" (Good luck) or "Sănătate" (Be healthy), and the reply would be "Mulţumesc" (Thank you) or "Aşa să fie" (So be it).
In Spanish (Particularly in Spain) the appropriate response is "Jesús" (Jesus Christ), which means proven because the people believed that when you snooze your soul go out of your body and when someone say "Jesús" your soul return to your body.
In Spanish (Most Notably in Latin America and Mexico) "Salud" is used which like in German means "Good Health" Or in literal translation "Health"
In Portuguese, the usual response is "Santinho", literally "little saint", as an indication of blessing.
In Hebrew, the appropriate response is לבריאות (la-bree-oot) which means "to health".
In French it is customary to say "À vos (tes) souhaits," (Ah-voh-soo-eh) which literally means "To your wishes." At the second sneeze, you then say "À vos (tes) amours" which means "To your loves." If the person sneezes a third time, it is then customary for that person to respond "Et que les vôtres (tiens) durent toujours" which means "and let yours last forever."
In Greek it's "γείτσες" (geítses), literally meaning 'healths'
In Irish it's "Dia leat", literally meaning 'God [be] with you.'
In Turkish it is "Çok yaşa" which means "live long".
In Czech it is "Na zdraví" which means "To health".
In Polish it is "Na zdrowie" which means "To health".
In Finnish, one says "Terveydeksi" which means "To health".
In Estonian, one says "Terviseks" which means "To health".
In Hungarian one would say "Egészségedre" which means "To your health".
In Chinese one would say nothing but people believe that a sneeze means that someone is talking about them behind their backs or missing them.
In Norwegian it is "prosit" from Latin "may it do you good". However, it is not as common to say it as in English.
In Denmark it is "prosit" as well, but it is seen as a much more obligatory response.
In Italian, one says "salute," literally meaning "health." A rough translation reads, "Good health."
In Japanese, one says "Shitsurei Shimashita" which means "Excuse me."
In Sinhala and India one would say nothing but people believe when someone sneezes it represent they are being thought of or talked about.
Bless you is a common English expression addressed to a person after they sneeze. The origin of the custom and its original purpose are unknown. In current practice, it is a socially obligated response.
2. Origin of Linguistic Evaluation
The practice of blessing a sneeze, dating as far back as at least 77 AD, however, is far older than most specific explanations can account for.[1]
One explanation holds that the custom originally began as an actual blessing. Gregory I became Pope in 590 as an outbreak of the bubonic plague was reaching Rome. In hopes of fighting off the disease, he ordered unending prayer and parades of chanters through the streets. At the time, sneezing was thought to be an early symptom of the plague. The blessing ("God bless you!") became a common effort to halt the disease.[2]
A variant of the Pope Gregory I story places it with Pope Gregory VII, then tells the common (though untrue) story of "Ring Around the Rosey" being connected to the same plague
Series of Sneezing - I
Well, I Febronia would love to take you for a tour of SNEEZE WORLD...Come join in!!
In the first Part:
- Some Facts
1. Facts
* Sneezes are an automatic reflex that can’t be stopped once sneezing starts.
* Sneezes can travel at a speed of 100 miles per hour and the wet spray can radiate five feet.
* People don’t sneeze when they are asleep because the nerves involved in nerve reflex are also resting.
* Between 18 and 35% of the population sneezes when exposed to sudden bright light.
* Some people sneeze when plucking their eyebrows because the nerve endings in the face are irritated and then fire an impulse that reaches the nasal nerve.
* Donna Griffiths from Worcestershire, England sneezed for 978 days, sneezing once every minute at the beginning. This is the longest sneezing episode on record.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
CANCER UPDATE : From John Hopkins
1. No plastic containers in micro.
2. No water bottles in freezer.
3. No plastic wrap in microwave.
Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well.
Dioxin chemicals causes cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies.Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.
Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers.
This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.. Cover food with a paper towel instead.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
All u need to know about CURD / YOGURT
2. It can help your intestine. Doctors prescribe it to patients who suffer from �Intestinal Flora� which can destroy your intestines due to it�s having a large amount of antibiotics or sulfa drugs.
3. This one may be of interest to teenagers, it can help your acne. Eat a lot of natural - preferably unsweetened - yogurt. As well as eating yogurt you can wash your face daily with water combined with lemon juice (one lemon to every liter of water). Apply a mask of honey to your face once a week, for approximately one hour, and you�ll have a pimple free face!
4. Suffer from bad breath? Well, eat a lot of yogurt and yes, you guessed it, people might actually sit next to you without holding their nose.
5. Does milk give you an intestinal discomfort? Then switch to yogurt. People lose the enzyme lactase through childhood. As a result, many adults can not properly digest milk. However yogurt already has lactase in it, allowing the food to digest in the body three times quicker than milk.
6. Does osteoporosis run in your family? Or maybe you just have brittle bones and/or teeth? Well eating lots of yogurt can help to strengthen bones and teeth because yogurt is high in calcium.
7. So, are you ready to add a little yogurt to your diet? Want to make it at home? It�s simple. Take some milk (ordinary or skim milk, it does not matter) and bring it to the boil, and then pour it into a container. If you want the yogurt to have a thicker consistency, then add some powdered skim milk. Let it cool down, then add some yogurt culture, or some store brought yogurt, about half a cup to a quart of milk. Stir well until no lumps remain. Then cover the container in a blanket, or keep it in a warm place, around 55 to 60 degrees celsius overnight. Sometimes there is difficultly keeping the mixture warm, so it is recommended that you buy a �yogurt maker� which keeps the mixture at it�s needed temperature. Once it has thickened, you can put it in the refrigerator until you want to eat it.
Basics about ingredients............
1. Bell Peppers aka CAPSICUM - Available in green, red, yellow & orange.
- Red, Yellow & orange are high sources of Vitamin C
2. Baking Powder aka Sodium Bicarbonate- Used for baking
- Keeps the starch in foods dry
3. Cabbage aka Pata Gobi - Good source of Vitamin C and a source of folacin.
4. Broccoli- excellent source of Vitamin C and folacin, and a source of fibre, Vitamin A and potassium.
5. Cauliflower aka Phool Gobi- excellent source of Vitamin C, a good source of folacin and a source of potassium.
6. Celery - You burn more calories eating a stalk of raw celery
7. Cucumber aka KAKDI- cup of sliced cucumber contains 14 calories and is a source of Vitamin C.
8. Garlic aka Lasoon- Good for cold & indigestion
9. Ginger aka Adrakh- Good for cold.10 Potatoes aka ALOO- an excellent source of potassium, a good source of Vitamin C and a source of fibre and folacin.
11. Tomatoes aka TAMATAR - has 25 calories; it's a good source of Vitamin C and a source of Vitamin A and folacin.
12. Sweet Potatoes aka RATALOO- 90 percent of the worlds' crop is grown in Asia.
13. Carrots aka GAZAR- Good for eye. Rich in Carotene.
Chicken Spaghetti
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium bell pepper (Capsicum), chopped
3 tablespoons butter
1 chicken, cooked, deboned, and diced
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of celery soup
8 sliced mushrooms, drained (I saute fresh ones)
1/2 can black pitted olives, drained and chopped
1 packet long spaghetti, cooked
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese
- Preheat the oven to 375.
- Saute onion and bell pepper in butter.
- Then pour in the soups, pimientos, mushrooms, chicken, olives, and spaghetti.
- Season with the seasonings.
- Put the rest of the ingredients into a large casserole dish.
- Top with cheddar cheese.
- Bake at 375 for 45 minutes, or until cheese is nice and melted.
- Serve Hot.
Online Security
- Old ones but still gold:
Please dont visit sites that are unknown.
Do not open mails of senders u do not know.
New Ones:
1. Make sure you have the latest security updates & patches
2. Install anti-virus software
3. Use personal firewalls
4. Passwords are the key to your online account information. Avoid using the same password for different systems that are important to you.
5. Use an anti-spyware program
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Following Hollywood now,Bollywood actresses go size zero.....what do you all say???
Now its first “size-zero” female star has the sub-continent’s cinematic purists in a tizzy, amid fears that an imported Western fondness for slim women threatens to debase the culture of countries like India".
The size-zero obsession could be forcing women into extreme diets followed ... develop into anorexia or bulimia which is obviously very harmful to health.
What do you think that the wanting of "zero size" to be supported & popularized or should really be the Subject to be banned in our country India,as been already done in some of the countries????
Health Problem
and every ailment
to a mineral deficiency."
-Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner
That means ANY health problem you are experiencing RIGHT now can be improved or even REVERSED just by getting your body chemistry back on track!
In fact, scientific studies show when you have too much
acid in your body.
All Heck Breaks Loose!
You know what acid can do to your car battery. Now here’s what acid overload can do to your body:
- In your arteries - eats away at the linings and gives plaque a foothold - leaving you defenseless against cardiovascular problems or brain-destroying illnesses.
- In your joints- erodes vital cartilage and leaves joints painfully inflamed.
- In skin cells - causes premature wrinkling... dry, brittle nails and dull and lifeless hair!
- Attacks your lungs, liver, pancreas and every other vital organ in your body, aging them before their time and leaving you vulnerable to a major health nightmare down the road.
- Wears down muscle mass - and causes premature aging.
- In your bloodstream - kills your body’s defenses - leaving you with a compromised immune system, vulnerable to infection.
- In your body tissues - drains the calcium in your bones - and causes crippling osteoporosis.
- Slows Human Growth Hormone secretion... zaps your sex drive... and makes it difficult to get a restful night’s sleep.
- Damages delicate enzymes that are essential for fighting germs...properly digesting foods...and even breathing!
- And that’s just the beginning!
But you can STOP acid overload in your body
and start feeling good again!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Software Engineer Zameen Par ......Every Engineer is special!!!!!
Software Engineer Zameen Par ......Every Engineer is special!!!!!
*Main kabhi batlaata nahi ,*
*Par coding se darta hoon main PM*
*Yun to main, dikhlata nahi,*
*Par Bench par jana chahta hoon main PM*
*Aapko sab hai pata,hai na PM*
*Aapko sab hai pata, mere PM*
*Issues mein yun na chhodo mujhe,*
*Ghar laut kar bhi jaa na paun PM*
*Bhejte kyun nahi Onsite Mujhko aap,*
*Yaad bhi aapko aa na paun PM,*
*Kya itna dumb hoon main PM,*
*Kya itna dumb mere PM*
*Jab bhi kabhi Onsite mujhe,*
*Dher saari kaam deta hai*
*Meri nazar Dhoondhe aapko*
*Sochu yunhi aap aakar work distribute karoge PM*
*Unse main yeh kehta nahi,*
*Par testing se pak jata hoon main PM*
*Chehre pe aane deta nahi,*
*Company chhod kar bhaag jana chahta hoon PM*
*Aapko sab hai pata,hai na PM*
*Aapko sab hai pata, mere PM*
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The world is ending

In the past decade half of the world suffered major incidences , either bringing down their economy or killing hundreds of thousands of people.
The 9/11 attacks on the twin towers the memories of which still haunt the people in US, the 7/11 attacks in mumbai, after the incident no passenger has traveled the train without giving a suspicious look to the bags kept on the racks and now the bombings in jaipur.
I just took out some number from wikipedia.
Gujarat earthquake 2001 approx 20,000 dead
European heat wave of 2003 approx 37,451 dead
Tsunami in the Indian Ocean december 2004 approx 283,100 dead
The earthquake in kashmir,pakistan in oct 2005 more than 7,500 were announed dead.
Hurricane katrina in 2005 around 1,836 dead
80% of Louisiana USA was flooded due to the failure of several floodwalls in August 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Earthquake hits Indonesia in may 2006 more than 6,000 dead
Cyclone sidr hits Bangladesh in 2006 4,140 dead
The Africa flood is reported to be one of the largest floods in recorded history in the continent of Africa with 14 countries affected this was in the year 2007
Cyclone nargis in burma 2008 37,000 dead
Earthquke in china may 2008 around 30,000 dead
Total approx in 4,27,027 in the past 7 yrs
And these are just natural calamities on top of that the Human intervened mishaps which causes not only deaths but infrastructure downfalls. Mishaps like the 9/11 put back the americans a couple of years. they had an instant breakdown in their economy.
The Bombing in Jaipur , the Ghodra incident, the various other terrorist attacks not just in India but around the world.
There is a simple rule which applies here cause and effect, the cause is us and the effect you have seen above.
If we don't stop and understand the manner in which we are destroying this planet , the planet shall destroy us. In other words the earth is balancing itself.
Basically there are two theories, one I mentioned above the other is The idea of a covert plan to create a New World Order (Novus Ordo Mundi) refers to what several scholars consider to be one of the most widespread conspiracy theories. The allegations, which cut across political and social boundaries, describe a powerful and secretive group alleged to be plotting to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles. In this conspiracy theory, many significant occurrences are said to be caused by a powerful secret group or groups. Historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to rule the world primarily through a combination of political finance, social engineering, mind control and fear based propaganda.
Why cant these secret groups of groups be inter planetary. Let me refer to them as "THEY", They could be making us do things so that we destroy ourselves, they may be planning and executing their plan to perfection. They may be the supreme being and not US.
So either it us destroying the planet or "THEM" destroying the planet to rule the world or should I say interplanetary rule or THEM scared of our "know how" and want us to suffer in fear & distraught.
Just some food for thought..........
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
10 Quality Goals for Managers | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Monday, May 12, 2008

The eternal question that all the wise men in the whole wide world have not been able answer. The question being being "What is it that women really want."
What is it actually that women want. When you say yes they want to hear no when u say no they were expecting a yes. Why is it all the men on the planet are asked "Tell me what i am thinking" . Arre i dont know what i am thinking i dont know wht my boss is thinking i dont have a god darn clue what anyone is thinking about.
I mean would'nt it had been much more easier if they would just tell wht they were thinking . i mean why the mess.
Should i do this should i do that.. Do whatever u want gal. I mean they ask you as if it is actually going to make a difference. either that or they convince you to what they think is right and its makes to do that.
I mean isnt it better that they would have done wht they wanted to told us that they were doing instead of asking "should i do this or not"
Kuch bolo to pachtao kuch na bolo to pachtao.
Men will never be able to figure out wht women want. If we are calm they wanna argue, if the guy wants to argue the gal becomes finicky as to why is he fighting with me. does he wnna break up. We never thought of that when u were fighting or rather should i say arguing with us.
If tell them what u want u are mean, if u dont tell them what u want then u are not letting her in your space. If u touch her then ur a creep, if u dont touch her then you are cheating on her. I mean wht is it. If you wanted us to kiss you bol diya hota, we would have been more than obliged to do it . why did u have to leave for us to think abt it. Easynt it easier to just speak about it and let us know what you want.
I shall let all of u in on a secret the greatest of all men's fantasies is when the women tell her way around the bed. But no no no how is it possible it left on our shoulders to decode what they think is best.
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may old time is still a flying,
and this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
The Latin term for that sentiment is carpe diem. Seize the day.
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately,
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life,
To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die
Discover that I had not lived.
- Thoreau
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Save Power
1 Keep the door closed. Ever time you open it the temperature drop about 20 degrees (c)
2 Cook several dishes at the one time.If you are cooking small items use the frypan.
3 When cooking small quantities use one sauce pan with dividers.
4 Keep food warm at 70-80 deg(c) Higher temperatures waste electricity and over cook food.
5 Use oven heat for plate warming.
6 Use utensils with flat bottoms and well fitting lids.Make sure they cover hotplates.
7 To cook vegetables the water doesn't need to be boiling furiously - a gentle simmer is enough.
8 Fan type ovens reduce cooking costs.
9 Use bright clean hotplate reflectors to send the heat upwards where it is wanted.
10 Pressure cookers can save up to 25% of power.
11 Use small appliances eg. griller,crockpot,wok,etc for appropriate foods.
12 Thaw frozen foods before cooking - this saves about 15 minutes cooking per 450 grams (one pound).
13 A microwave is very economical for suitable functions -it is excellent for reconstituting food.
14 Don't use grill-boiler plate on top of range for utensils not large enough to cover it.
15 Don't boil water on a hotplate - use an electric kettle.
16 Make sure your oven door seals properly.
17 Have the ceiling insulated with at least 50mm of fibrous or foam insulation.
18 In timber framed or brick homes the walls should also be insulated. Block off any chimneys not being used - A lot of heat is lost there.
19 Unless you have full home conditioning close the doors of the room/s being heated or cooled. Doors and windows should fit well because draughts can waste a lot of energy. Close curtains to stop heat escaping.
20 See that air- conditioner filters and condenser coils are kept clean.
21 Reverse cycle air-conditioners provide 2 to 2.5 times as much heat as an element type heater for the same electricity consumption.
22 Zoning of a house conditioned by a ducted system can cut energy consumption to a half or even third.
23 Shade windows during summer to keep sun of the glass.
24 Don't leave heating or cooling appliances on when rooms are unoccupied.
25 Use personal fans and ceiling fans for relief from hot weather. Fans cost much less to run than air conditioners.
26 Many air- conditioning systems operate at 22 deg (c). You will still be comfortable if you set the control for 24-25 deg (c) in summer. and 18-19 deg (c) in winter and you will use a lot less electricity.
27 Leave room conditioner "fresh air " and "exhaust air " controls in the closed positions unless you want to freshen thew room air.
28 Set fan at high speed for a room conditioner to work most efficiently.
29 Evaporative coolers are very effective when installed correctly. The operating cost of an evaporative cooler is only a fraction of that of a refrigerated unit.
30 A student can be kept warm with a 150 watt infra red lamp fitted under the desk.
31 Localised under carpet heating gives economical armchair comfort.
32 People heating is more economical than space heating.-use radiators multi-heat radiant heaters, wall strip heaters ,fan heaters.
33 Electric blankets are the cheapest form of bedroom heating.
34 Select a fridge that uses waste heat for defrosting etc. These fridges are usually cheaper to operate.
35 Buy the size you need extra capacity uses extra power.
36 If you already have a chest or upright freezer buy an "all though " refrigerator instead of a fridge freezer combination.
37 Defrost before the ice build up is 1 cm thick.
38 Open the door only when necessary.
39 Make sure the door seals well. If a piece of paper will slide easily between the cabinet and the door seal is not good enough.
40 Keep dust and fluff brushed off the coils on the back or bottom of the fridge.
41 Put the fridge in a well ventilated position.
42 Place your fridge away from direct sunlight or any source of heat. Don't put hot food into a fridge or freezer.
43 Don't buy a large machine if you don't need it. For the occasional big wash an extra cycle or two is cheaper than under using a large washer.
44 Adjust the water level to economically wash a partial load.Otherwise it is better to wait until you have a full load.But don't overload your machine.
45 Your washer may have features than can save your money.Soak cycles remove stubborn stains in wash cycle.Suds savers allow you to re use hot water.
46 Use correct type of detergent and cold or tepid water will wash clothes effectively.
47 Good lighting means avoiding glare and gloom by using the right amount of light in the right way.
48 Use light translucent shades- opaque or dark shades require bigger lamps.
49 Use a good local light near the task. It is more effective and more efficient than a large central light.
50 Use fluorescent tubes . they use about a quarter of electricity used by ordinary globes and they last
about eight times as long. They CAN be switched on and off as often as you need without affecting operating cost.
51 Use solar energy to dry your clothes -it costs nothing.
52 Operate your dryer using the fan alone. Only switch the heater on if it is really necessary.Vent the dryer outside the house and don't let lint block the vent.
53 never overload or underload the dryer - you get most economical operation with the correct load.
54 Switch off when the clothes are dry enough - over drying makes them feel harsh and waste electricity.
55 Tumble dryers are more effective than cabinet dryers.
56 Off peak low pressure storage heaters are generally the cheapest overall.
57 Don't allow dripping taps .Sixty drips a minutes means about 1200 litres a month drown the drain.
And you have paid for it to be heated.
58 Water restrictors and low flow shower nozzles will help to save water.
59 Insulate hot water pipes from storage heaters for at least a metre from the heater as heat can be conducted along these pipes and lost to the atmosphere.
60 Install a storage heater of 125 litres or more to run off peak tariff - which is about half the normal rate.
61 Normally you will use less water for shower than bath.
62 Fill your electric kettle or jug from the cold tap.Running off a lot of cold water from the hot pipes is wasteful and expensive.
63 Don't have you hot water set too 70 deg (c) is usually hot enough . Otherwise it costs more to heat the water and it loses more heat while being stored.
64 Dimmers save power and enable you to obtain pleasant changes of mood in your lighting.
65 Use plug-in timers to control such things as fryingpans,crockpots,riadiators.lights and air conditioners.
Friday, May 9, 2008
1) Know more than other
2) Work more than other
3) Expect less than other
1. For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
2. A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
* You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
* Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
* 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep.
* Let's be careful and be aware.
3. The more we know the better chance we could survive.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Global Warming
Definition: The term "global warming" refers to the warming in recent decades and its projected continuation, and implies a human influence.
Causes: Pollution
Trees being chopped every single day.
Increasing demand for developments.
Effects: Lakes & glaciers are vanishing.
The heat is trapped within the layers of the earth
Now, lets have some solutions here as to how can we overcome Global Warming?